She then remarked that they should do this again sometime. Mana then played a dancing game with Anzu and tied with her. She later disbelieved Anzu when she said that hamburgers came from cows as she believed that they tasted too good. She also remarked at how much cuter Tag was now compared to when he was a baby. She was later unknowingly put in control of Serena's body thanks to Darin, and what she really liked were the pants she was wearing as they didn't have a draft. After that, Bakura was imprisoned inside a Soul Prison, and she decided to help Mahad guide Darin in his destiny to help Tag save the world.Ī few days later, Mana was enjoying the modern world and spent some time jumping on Darin's bed. Dark Magician Girl then destroyed Bakura's own Dark Magician and saved the day. Mana then used her magic to wash Bakura's mouth out when he swore in front of Isis Kaiba. He then had Mana activate Magic Cylinder to destroy Diabound when he attacked. When Darin's friends arrive, Mana waves at them and remarks at how she hadn't seen Tag since he used Yugi's Duel Disk as a two-year-old. When Mahad was revived by the Magician of Faith, Mana hugged him, happy to see him alive again. Mana then cried out when Mahad was killed by Diabound and for Darin when it took a toll on his spirit. She remarked on the size of Diabound before being told not to focus on that by Mahad, who was the Dark Magician. When Darin summoned the Dark Magician Girl during his duel with Thief King Bakura, it was revealed that she was Mana. Mana, among others, after Darin defeated Bakura. She's also usually portrayed as Atem's girlfriend and ends up in a Dark Magician Girl outfit one way or another.Īppearances Yu-Gi-Oh! X The Thief's Return Mana is always portrayed as excitable, loving, caring, and supportive to all her family and friends. She always shows her energetic personality to others.

Mana is assumably dressed as traditional Egyptian with the gimmick of magician apprentice.

She has a good shape with 148 cm height and weighs around 35 kg. Mana is shown as tanned-skin young girl with brown hair and has green eyes. 3.3.3 The Little Dark Magician Girl II: Return to the Ka World.3.3.1 The Little Dark Magician Girl: Mana's Adventures Under the Sea.