More fluid infantry combat after fixing several long-standing combat bugs.Further adjustments to make Dune 2000 more faithful to the original game.Community balance updates and a refreshed map selection for Red Alert and Tiberian Dawn.New lobby features for player handicaps and disabling spawn points.Support for Discord integration and community-run ladders.There are many great changes for Red Alert, Tiberian Dawn, and Dune 2000 too, focusing mainly around streamlining some awkward gameplay mechanics, improving community integration, and improving our singleplayer content: Many of the biggest changes in this release were focused around the in-development Tiberian Sun mod, which continues to make slow progress in our development repository. The 20210321 release spotlight has been temporarily delayed. Rather than continue to delay the release, we have commissioned our best artist to make the placeholder image below, and will post the real spotlight once it is available. We had originally planned to announce this release with a new patch spotlight video, but an unfortunately timed computer failure has left FiveAces’ battlefield control offline until repairs are completed. Today is the day that many have been waiting for: the new stable OpenRA Release 20210321 is now available!