To do this, replace sounds.txt by the appropriate one. If you get this error with the mod pack, it's best to revert back to the native sounds, or if you're running with Basic or Expanded you can try to use the Gameplay sounds. Strange but true: this error is caused by the amount of sound effects.I can't start the game, since I get the following error just before the game is loaded: 'RGL shaders: Out of video memory', or a likewise error.It will use Native horse dust, but maintain the other Floris edits. All the dust from horses causes me to lag terribly! Can I get the old horse dust?.Re-enter your settings and you should be good to go. This will force Warband to recreate your configuration files.

If necessary, the whole folder found at %APPDATA%\Mount&Blade Warband\.NOTE: Floris latest version is now compatible with the warband latest 1.153 version Try deleting the rgl_config.txt file (in the Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\ folder). Warband version 1.143 is prone to corrupt configuration files.OR: The game crashes when I try to change the main game options. I tried to use "Load Textures on Demand", but my game crashed immediately.You might want to check out this topic.OR: I have a 32-bit system with more than 2GB of RAM, but I still crash. I get crashes while saving a game, during or after a bigger battle or switching screens.We need details and preferably a copy of your RGL_log.txt file. When all of the above still fails try our support thread.Run another version of Floris, for example Gameplay instead of Expanded.Force single threading at the console when powering up MB.Lower the texture quality (and other graphical configurations).Regardless of whatever your game says.Make sure you are using Warband 1.153 (check your RGL log in your main warband folder for this).There are several reasons why the game can crash.This is by no means all inclusive and our stickied " F.A.Q." thread should be checked on the Taleworlds Forum as well. Below are some solutions that may help if your problem is described. If you're having a problem with getting the mod to run properly and it doesn't match something from the Known Bugs list then it is likely you're experiencing some kind of installation error or operating system error on your end.